Territories going quickly for this groundbreaking franchise
Every once in a while, a franchise comes along that raises the bar. You won’t often see “patented” or “proprietary” services offered by a franchise, but I recently started working with a brand that has both. Their 50+ happy franchisees are additional proof that this a business you need to check out.
This franchise is a game-changer due to several key differentiators:
Multiple revenue streams (7!)
Innovative, patented process provides a unique service (high barrier of entry for any potential competitor)
13 proprietary formulas deliver a completely customized service and durable product (unmatched warrantees)
Incredible software for managing and simplifying every aspect of operation (franchisor offers top-tier business training and support)
Proven model (sold out Canada with 50+ franchisees; just launched in US with 10 locations already sold)
Experienced leadership (award-winning founder/CEO and advisory board members have launched thousands of franchise units)
There’s more! I love this industry for many reasons:
$450 billion home improvement category
Low investment ($100k-$140k all-in)
Fast ramp-up and cash flow
Minimal overhead with no brick and mortar
Need-based rather than want-based product/service
Fragmented competition makes it easier to stand out
Proven stability through bad economy, pandemic, volatile global dynamics, etc.
Executive-owner business model
Brands like this don’t come along very often—and they sell out territories very quickly.
To get more info and see if this might be a good fit for you, schedule a quick call with me.